At Summer Game Fest, mobile developer Kabam announced that its next game, King Arthur: Legends Rise, will be headed to PC and mobile platforms later this year. Originally revealed at the State of Unreal presentation at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference, King Arthur: Legends Rise reimagines the Arthurian legend as a squad-based RPG that has been built entirely in Unreal Engine 5.
Alongside the news of the 2023 release window, Kabam also debuted a new CG trailer for the game and details on the game’s next open beta test, which begins on June 29 in the United States, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Philippines, and Hong Kong. One of the other big features of the game is “seamless” cross-progression and cross-play on mobile devices and PC, which will allow you to pick up right where you left off when you need to switch between platforms.